We are thrilled to announce that Nanotransfer has been honored by the Argentine government with a substantial grant of ARS 60,000,000 from the FONARSEC program. This funding, directed towards equipment, services, and supplies, represents a significant milestone in our commitment to advancing science and technology in Argentina.

FONARSEC, at the core of a new wave of policies, plays a crucial role in strengthening the relationship between the scientific-technological sector and the socio-productive sector. The program’s emphasis on “Technological Platforms” serves as the conceptual and operational axis, fostering collaboration between public and private stakeholders to define strategies grounded in research, development, and innovation.

Aligned with our mission for growth, competitiveness, and sustainability in the short, medium, and long term, we will leverage these funds to manage projects that develop critical capabilities, ensuring a continuous transfer of high-impact innovations to the productive sector.

Thank you to the Argentine government for their recognition and support as we continue to drive innovation and address societal and economic challenges.